Inside an “Environmental ReviewTribunal Hearing”:………….more like a “kangaroo court”!

The Big Green Lie

Here is a blow by blow report on the nuances and inner workings of a typical ERT hearing that is happening more and more here in Ontario as Industrial Wind Developments are encroaching on Rural residences and are having severe Health, Financial and Social repercussions which have forced ordinary hard working Ontario Citizens to demand some type of legal respite from these outrageous and useless developments that are ruining Rural Ontario!

One would think with a bevy of high priced lawyers and appointed adjudicators that this whole exercise would render some type of professional behaviour from the Tribunal………… would be wrong!

“I See”

Posted on 10/11/2012

Bill Monture in foreground

by Harvey Wrightman
Perhaps the biggest problem with these Environmental Review Tribunal appeal hearings is we get only the “appearance” of a fair hearing. Tuesday’s session was at the Kohler Community Centre, a WW2 Air Force barracks, well maintained by the onsite caretaker who obviously must do…

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